Saturday, June 5, 2010

On the Gulf of Mexico oil spill….

So, here we are 45+ days and counting and still oil is gushing into the Gulf with no end in sight. Government and BP just cannot seem to come up with a solution while thousands of people are being adversely affected. Jobs, a way of life, personal financial security are all at risk.

What should we expect from our leaders in Washington, well just about anything but what we are hearing and seeing.

Recently, I saw an interview of Vice-President Joe Biden. He said, and I paraphrase, “what most people do not realize is how well President Obama has responded to this crisis. The day after the accident, the President assembled his team in the oval office and marshaled all of the federal government’s resources. There are hundreds if not thousands of government employees working on this”.

Well, I have news for the VP, if you haven’t noticed the oil is still gushing from that hole in the ground, nothing has been fixed and lives and livelihoods continue to be at risk. What the politicians in Washington do not seem to understand is that activity means nothing, the only thing that matters is RESULTS! Do you get that Mr. Vice-President??

We do not care about activity, we care about RESULTS. John Wooden, the late, great former men’s basketball coach at UCLA said Never confuse activity with achievement.

Unfortunately, our “leaders” in Washington do not seem to understand this basic concept. Activity means nothing if the objective is not attained.

So, will someone please show me a leader who understands this time honored truth, Results, not activity, are the Final Judge!!

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